“I hadn’t thought about the fact that I would have to explain this to Hi hello », says a half-hilarious, half-distressed Rosalie Vaillancourt by her own choices, talking about her new tour called MILF. Conversation with the young mother about this second show which is proverbially more mature, but not that much either.
MILF. The English acronym, rather saucy, designates a mother who always arouses desire and, above all, who knows how to take it in hand. Embraced by the voracious world of pornography, the four letters spread all over the planet in 1998 thanks to the hormonal comedy American Pie and to Stifler’s lecherous mother, played by Jennifer Coolidge.
“When I had the idea for the title, I immediately spoke to my manager about it and we laughed for 20 minutes. Every time I say it, people laugh. It must be positive,” says the comedian who, in November 2019, launched his first show entitled Child kingenough to measure how fast life goes.
But the decision to appropriate the word MILF is not only part of Rosalie’s eternal love. It also demonstrates a desire to subvert an archetype which stigmatizes the woman of a certain age refusing to devote her life only to nurturing her young.
What I like most about the MILF is that she’s fun, she’s too much, she wears pink and big earrings. She’s not afraid to have fun, but for me, my pleasure is a little different from hers: I find it by doing my show.
Rosalie Vaillancourt
Give the keys
Rosalie Vaillancourt thus negotiates the turning point of the second tour in a manner reminiscent of that of François Bellefeuille, who judiciously worked to show the man behind the screaming bug during his second lap – they count moreover on the same manager, Marilou Hainault.

Rosalie Vaillancourt and her dog, Chantal, a male
While continuing to take advantage of the fertile comic gap between his babyish demeanor and his prankish remarks, the comedian this time strips himself of what could be more of a comic strip character. Whether she talks about parental guilt or her sister’s jealousy, she undeniably faces tougher subjects, starting with motherhood.
“I have been so categorized as a woman-child, it is such a big change in what I am and what I represent, that I had no choice but to talk about it,” says the woman who gave birth to a girl in December 2021 and whose media premiere will take place in April 2024.
Rosalie doesn’t just talk about it and presents to the public, in the first part of the show, the giant format reproduction of a very intimate photo, the time to illustrate the imposing difficulties of breastfeeding, but also to seal a kind of truth pact.
I aspire to be on stage as I am in life, that’s also why I no longer wear little dresses, but my everyday jeans. I would like people to know me for real and I have the impression that I have not always given all the keys.
Rosalie Vaillancourt
She adds, half-seriously: “My manager told me the other time that I am much more endearing in life than on TV. » And automatically makes herself laugh.

Rosalie Vaillancourt, on stage
As for his severe ADHD, another of the major topics of MILF, she long believed that no one would want to “hear her talk about her problems” and that there was nothing funny about it. His director, Marie-Christine Lachance, quickly made him understand that a 30-year-old woman who can’t help but bark as soon as she hears a dog bark, yes, it’s funny.
MILF also marks a new chapter in the TV career of the creator, who wishes to distance herself from projects for young people with which she has been heavily associated. Not because she didn’t find joy there, but to create the necessary room for maneuver to say what she wants, how she wants, within the four walls of a room, without fear to mislead delicate ears.
“That’s also why we called the show like that, to make it clear that it’s not for children,” underlines the one who will be on the next edition of Get me out of here! this winter at TVA as well as that of LOL: Who will laugh last? on Prime Video, early 2024. “Before, I told myself that children had already heard “tabarnac” elsewhere, and that has changed since I became a mother. »
No sad clown
Despite all this beautiful wisdom, Rosalie Vaillancourt remains largely on stage, and somewhat in life, the one who likes to pronounce big words, to pretend to only think about her navel and to say out loud what ‘we should just not say it at all.
Example among many others, taken from our conversation: “When I started doing shows again, I felt bad leaving my boyfriend alone with our daughter, but now, it’s for my daughter that I feel wrong. I’m SO much more fun than my boyfriend. » She makes herself laugh again. Then explains.
It’s because I don’t have one, a sad clown, I’m always in a good mood, I always want to make jokes. Sure, there are more mature topics in the show, but these are questions I asked myself… briefly.
Rosalie Vaillancourt
How has motherhood transformed her? She has never been so serious in the entire interview. “It gave me a detachment from a lot of things and I think that’s what I was missing to feel good in my environment. It seems that there is nothing complicated anymore. As long as my daughter is okay, I’m okay. Before, I never thought about the future, and now I look forward to being a madam. »

Running throughout Quebec