the return of French archaeological missions


Article written by

B. Delombre, A. Husser, A. Gohar, A. D’Abrigeon – France 2

France Televisions

After several months of interruption, the French archaeological missions are back in Egypt and the riches to be discovered remain numerous.

In the heart of Upper Egypt, it is a land of legend that has captivated generations of archaeologists. Exploring Luxor is the hope renewed every day of unraveling some of Egypt’s greatest mysteries. A few kilometers from the Valley of the Kings, Isabelle Régente and her team are studying one of the most fascinating tombs discovered in the country. The team enters an impressive maze of burial chambers, dug fifteen meters underground, 28 centuries ago. On the walls, 2600 m² of transcriptions of religious hieroglyphics, among the oldest in mankind.

Texts that the deceased himself seems to invite to read, with this enigmatic message engraved in stone: “May they enter this tomb and see what is in it”. Is it the tomb of a scholar who wished to pass on his knowledge? The questions are numerous and the clues rare. For the mission, all these discoveries have a special flavor. Last year because of the pandemic, the searches were canceled. In 2020, French shipments were hit hard by the Covid-19.


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