the return of Eugénie Le Sommer, symbol of the renewal initiated by Hervé Renard

The new coach of the France team has decided to recall the Lyon striker, who has not worn the blue jersey since April 2021.

The chef’s surprise. As Hervé Renard finished reading his very first list as coach of the French women’s team, Friday March 31, the name of Eugénie Le Sommer sounded in the enclosure of Clairefontaine for the first time since April 2021. A first strong decision for the new coach, like a break with his predecessor Corinne Deacon.

Historical figure of the French women’s team, Eugénie Le Sommer had experienced a slow downgrading after the World Cup in France. Publicly accused by her coach, just after the elimination in the quarter-final against the United States, who had reproached her for not listening to the instructions, the Lyonnaise had thus disappeared from the radar. His last appearance in the blue jersey was in a friendly match without stake, lost against the American world champions. Asked about the absence of several executive players, including Le Sommer, to compete in the Euro, Deacon had this time mentioned a renewal of the group.

Since then, Deacon has left and things have changed. Monday April 3, on the occasion of the arrival of all the players for the rally, the Lyonnaise, who has never ceased to proclaim her love for the blue jersey, savored her return to the castle after two years of absence. . “It’s weird to be here, but I’m very happy to see Clairefontaine again. I can’t wait to train, to play matches again, quite simply”she said on her arrival at the castle to the camera of the FFF.

86 goals in 175 caps

In addition to calling her back, Hervé Renard did not hesitate to affirm all the confidence he places in her. “We really need his experience and his intelligence in the game, his technical accuracy, his skill in the area”, he assured at a press conference to justify his choice. From the top of her 86 goals in 175 selections, a record, the Breton of origin notably disputed with the Blue a world and Olympic semi-final.

The 33-year-old player has already affirmed her determination to register for the long term again. “I’m not going to reinvent myself, I’m going to do what I know how to do and bring my qualities to the group. It’s good to be back, now it’s up to me to do everything to stay.” In his sights, the World Cup this summer in Australia and New Zealand, after missing the Euro last summer.

The Fox paw

Le Sommer already seems to have regained a place of choice within the group. She was chosen to be one of the two vice-captains alongside Grace Geyoro and behind the inevitable Wendie Renard. And this even if the doubt remains around his position on the ground, and even his status as a potential holder.

By this choice, Hervé Renard also marks the beginning of his era at the helm of Les Bleues. After Le Sommer, other banned could return to selection. Renard has already surveyed Amandine Henry, no longer called since 2020. “She is one of the pre-selectable players”he revealed when announcing the list.

The former coach of Saudi Arabia also made other significant decisions, such as the non-selection of Marion Torrent and Charlotte Bilbault, pillars of the Blue, nor that of Sarah Bouhaddi, who had distanced himself from Deacon and the selection . The first stones are laid to compose a group that looks like him, and try to take him as far as possible. With the top scorer in the history of Les Bleues as an integral part of the adventure.

source site-18