The intervention on Tuesday of the deputy LFI, the first since his return to the hemicycle, within the framework of the debates on the government bill aroused strong reactions. The meeting was briefly suspended.
“It’s not the right time”, recognizes Wednesday, February 8 on franceinfo the deputy La France insoumise (LFI) François Ruffin, in reaction to the very first intervention of Adrien Quatennens in the National Assembly since his conviction for domestic violence. The latter defended Tuesday evening two amendments to the pension reform.
>>> National Assembly: “We could not act as if nothing had happened”, denounces Aurore Bergé after the bronca for Adrien Quatennens’ first intervention in the Assembly since his conviction
His return “is likely to divide, at a time when we all need to be united (…) to go and support a movement on pensions which is very deeply rooted in the country, we don’t need anything else”regrets François Ruffin.
Several deputies from the left and from the majority preferred to leave the hemicycle rather than stay to listen to Adrien Quatennens. The rebels, on the other hand, applauded their colleague who sits among the non-registered since his suspension from the LFI group. “I think it’s not the majority”, minimized the elected official of the Somme.
“There are criticisms that I understand”, says François Ruffin. On the other hand, “there are no lessons to be learned from Renaissance” neither “from another political group”, he believes. “We could not act as if nothing had happened, as if his return was banal, this reaction was shared on many benches, it is something that shocks public opinion”, commented the leader of the Renaissance deputies, Aurore Bergé, after the boos from the benches of the majority, when the floor was given to Adrien Quatennens.
A “national charter” on sexual and gender-based violence
“Rather than looking at the speck that the other has in his eye, we must look at the beam that we have in his”, reacts François Ruffin. “When we have Damien Abad on our benches”it is better to show “modesty”, he says for Aurore Bergé. The deputy Renaissance de l’Ain has been the subject of a preliminary investigation for attempted rape since June 28, 2022. It precipitated his departure from the government, where he was Minister of Solidarity, Autonomy and Persons with Disabilities.
François Ruffin offers a “national charter” common to political parties, trade unions and companies. She would define “how to proceed” in cases of sexual and gender-based violence, whether justice has been passed or not. This charter would apply for facts of this kind “internal” but also “external” to the organization concerned. “It’s not easy for any institution to find itself managing this kind of story”he believes.