The retraining of Jean-Baptiste Djebbari at the shipowner CMA-CGM blocked by the High Authority for the transparency of public life

The former Minister of Transport has already received a notice of “compatibility with reservations” about his entry to the board of directors of Hopium, which manufactures hydrogen cars.

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She points to “substantial ethical risks”. The High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life refused a retraining project by Jean-Baptiste Djebbari, who intended to join the shipowner CMA-CGM, in a notice published on Tuesday May 24.

The former transport minister wanted to become executive vice-president in charge of the space division that the CMA-CGM plans to create. But according to the HATVP, the Minister has managed many files related to the activities of the shipowner (intermodality, civil aviation, satellite applications, ports or maritime transport), which poses a risk of being called into question. “substantial” of “independent and impartial functioning of the administration”.

The HATVP also notes that the former LREM MP for Haute-Vienne met eight times with the company’s senior executives, enough to create “a legitimate doubt as to the conditions under which the minister exercised his governmental functions, with regard to the ethical principles and the obligation to prevent conflicts of interest which are imposed on him”. Contacted by AFP, the CMA-CGM did not wish to comment on the information.

Another retraining file was filed by the former minister, for “consulting, conference and image management services, particularly with private companies”, which was also accepted “with reservations”. The HATVP warns him in particular against the criminal risk “illegal taking of interests” if his company were to advise a company in the transport sector. He must also abstain from any approach to members of the government or administrations in charge of transport for three years.

Jean-Baptiste Djebbari had already obtained a green light “with reservations” from the HATVP for join the board of a start-up specializing in hydrogen vehicles, Hopium. The conversion had been announced while the minister was still in office.

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