the retirement age pushed back to 65?


Article written by

C. Motte, C. Gascard, A. Peyrout, B. Girodon, S. Thiebaut, G. Gheorghita, F. Pairaud – France 3

France Televisions

AT a month before the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron is relaunching the debate on pension reform. He now proposes to establish the retirement age at 65, with a minimum amount of 1,100 euros and the end of special schemes. What do we offer the other candidates? Here is an overview.

Emmanuel Macron had warned, the French will have to work longer. Now a candidate for the presidential election, he clarifies his position on the retirement age and, for the first time, evokes a retirement at 65 years old. A proposal confirmed by the government spokesperson. Emmanuel Macron still wants the end of special regimes and a minimum pension of 1,100 euros. Valérie Pécresse also speaks of a retirement at 65. “It will not apply to French people who are damaged by their work, but we will take into account long careers, the difficulty of jobs”she had assured.

On this subject, Éric Zemmour’s proposals are still unclear, but he advocates a departure at the age of 64. Retirement at 60 is defended by Fabien Roussel and Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “The measure of social progress is to allow those over 60 to be able to retire so that young people can take their place”, thinks Fabien Roussel. Marine Le Pen also pleads for a departure at 60 only for those who started working early, between 17 and 20 years old. For their part, Anne Hidalgo and Yannick Jadot want to promote small pensions and keep a departure at the age of 62.

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