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The epidemic of Covid-19 still raging in China, Wednesday, April 13, and it has serious repercussions on French industry. In France, the Renault factory in Douai, in the North, will have to startbus stop it lacks Chinese electronic components.
The Renault factory in Douai (North) will have to be shut down for lack of Chinese electronic components. The 2,300 employees of the site will be put on partial unemployment from Thursday, April 14. The decision was announced earlier this week to the workers. The lack of parts is related at reconfinement in some Asian cities, such as Shanghai (China)from which many components for the whole world depart.
The worrying situation in France. In the Paris region, at a supplier of air conditioners, the stock is dwindling day by day and, unfortunately, almost all the spare parts come from Asia. Shortages of products which also cause a surge in prices. With this new wave of Covid-19 in Asia, this supplier could lose up to a quarter of its turnover. A new tension on the markets which could weigh on growth: the Banque de France has already halved its forecasts for the first quarter.