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The war in Ukraine disrupts the presidential campaign in France. Like every Sunday, the news du 19/20 tackles “the campaign without detour”, in the presence of the journalist Anne Bourse, Sunday February 27.
“Never under the Fifth Republic has a war of such magnitude been unleashed at the gates of Europe 6 weeks before the presidential election. Already suffocated by the health crisis, the presidential campaign is now upset by this conflict“, explains the journalist Anne Bourse, present on the set of 19/20. The word of the week is “campaign” for Anne Bourse, because on the one hand, it can define a military expedition, but also a political enterprise with a propaganda goal. “Two definitions that have collided head-on since Thursday“.
In the high political moments, this week of February 21, the journalist retains the unity of the European Union that Vladimir Putin wanted to divide. A unit that is noticed “in particular through the unprecedented sanctions which have just been taken against Russia”. In low moments, the journalist broaches the subject of the presidential campaign. “The candidates continue their journeys by talking about the economic consequences of the conflict in the daily life of the French“, she observes.