the results of the analyzes validate the scenario of a rape and a death by strangulation

The details of the autopsy and the toxicological analyzes revealed this Thursday evening by the Public Prosecutor of Limoges allow the investigation to move forward with many points raised concerning the conditions of the death of the young woman in Corrèze. Elements that call into question the assertions of the respondent.

They were eagerly awaited to allow us to learn more about the circumstances of this tragic evening when Justine Vayrac lost her life: the results of the autopsy and the toxicological analyzes were revealed and, first of all, made it possible to confirm the violence suffered on the night of October 22 to 23.

Many lesions were thus revealed according to the Prosecutor and in particular a fracture of the nose, several contusions on the level of the face, a wound on the jaw, and hematomas on the level of the chest and the cervix.

“It appears from this examination that the victim received several blows. His facial trauma is due to one or more blows with a blunt object. The hematoma on the cervix is ​​consistent with rape.”

Elements which therefore make it possible to call into question the statements of the respondent: the latter had affirmed, during his police custody, that he had just had consensual sexual intercourse with the young woman before killing her by carrying her a punch. The analyzes therefore contradict these assertions.

Another important element revealed by these analyzes, “a complete hanging furrow” corresponding to the link around the neck of the victim. The prosecution thus confirms to us in its press release that during of the discovery of the body of Justine Vayrac, her neck was surrounded by a string.

For the Public Prosecutor of Limoges, “no other cause” of death could be detected.

This element, again, contradicts the assertions of the respondent who mentioned having killed the young Lotoise by punching her.

Last important point, mentioned the days following the events: it had been speculated that the respondent could have poured a substance into Justine Vayrac’s glass in the La Charrette nightclub in Brive where the young woman spent her evening.

The analyzes revealed do not confirm this theory: “the toxicological analysis revealed the presence of drugs in connection with a treatment prescribed for the victim, as well as the presence of ethanol compatible with alcohol consumption during the evening. On the other hand, it was only found no trace of administration of exogenous products“according to the prosecution.

Contacted by telephone, the lawyer for the indicted, Maître Labrousse, did not wish to communicate immediately in the face of this information. The latter has no “no knowledge of any autopsy certificate and the comments made by the prosecution are unknown to the defense.”

The indicted, who admitted in police custody, having killed and buried the 20-year-old young Lotoise, was indicted on October 27. He faces life imprisonment.

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