the results and the classification of the 10th day of the championship

While the Blues played their first match of the autumn tour this Saturday, the 10th day of the Top 14 championship was marked by the victory of La Rochelle in Brive (19-17) and Montpellier in Toulon ( 16-26).

Toulouse-French Stadium (16-16)

the clash between Stade Toulouse and Stade Français
, deprived of their international weapons, gave birth to a very sluggish draw (16-16) which only half satisfied both sides. Stade Ernest-Wallon has had more frenzied classics. And without insulting the actors of the day, this one will not go down in history, in particular the first act disturbed only by two ecological activists, who climbed on the posts of the local in-goal, interrupting the game for ten minutes.

Racing 92-Perpignan (44-20)

Training in verve in recent weeks, Racing 92 took its time to defeat Perpignan, who came without complex to the Arena and front at the break
(14-13). But in the wake of Wenceslas Lauret, author of a double, the Ile-de-France widened the gap after the hour mark and won a bonus victory (44-20).

Brive-La Rochelle (17-19)

The Maritimes of Ronan O’Gara, in search of redemption after the faux pas at home in front of Pau, suffered in Corrèze but ended up winning
. Brive, who saw his striker Thomas Laranjeira miss a penalty at the very end of the match, concedes his fifth defeat
in six receptions in his Stadium. The lights are more than ever red for Arnaud Méla and his players, last.

Clermont-Bayonne (20-25)

The coup of the weekend was carried out by the promoted Bayonne, imperial in his den of Jean-Dauger, and who air-conditioned this time the Michelin of Clermont
. Substitute at kick-off, the former asemist Camille Lopez participated in the Basque party with a drop at the half-hour allowing his new colors to stay in contact at the break.

Lyon-Castres (26-20)

Lyon, despite a slump sanctioned by two tries conceded in six minutes and in double numerical inferiority, tore away to dominate Castres (26-20), who left once again empty-handed from a trip.

Pau-UBB (33-7)

Reduced by the injuries and absences of its internationals, the UBB sank against the Section Paloise
(33-7). The Béarnais scored five tries and gave themselves a little air in the standings (12th), with a five-point lead over Perpignan.

Toulon-Montpellier (16-26)

In the event of a bonus victory, the RCT could take second place in the championship alone. It’s the opposite that happened at the Mayol stadium, with the victory of the Héraultais (16-26), well organized against the Toulonnais drafts.

Ranking and results



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