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In a context of high inflation, the Restos du Cœur began their collection on Friday March 3 in a market in the metropolis of Lille (North). They hope not to see donations drop, while the beneficiaries are more and more numerous.
In a market in the Lille metropolis (North), the collection of Restos du Cœur began on Friday March 3 in the morning. The year was special, between rising prices and uncertainties in household budgets. “I put some cans, a little for the children, too. We try to do according to our means. We are not very rich, but hey, we try to help those who are even less so”, testifies a man. “Not everyone can, but we can, so we do it, no worries.” adds another donor.
The fear of a drop in donations
But volunteers fear that donations will drop. “With all the difficulties, people are generous, anyway”, reassures one of them. In the Nord department, beneficiaries have increased by nearly 25%. The collection is therefore necessarily a much-awaited moment. “It is really essential, since we have never seen precariousness increase so much”summarizes Thierry Sarrazin, president of Restaurants in the Heart of the North.