The Restos du Cœur become itinerant in the Territoire de Belfort

It’s a converted truck, filled with foodstuffs. The Restos du Cœur will be on the roads of the Territoire de Belfort from this month of July. Objective: to seek out more rural precarious populations, who travel less easily to the association’s urban centers in Belfort, Beaucourt, Delle and Giromagny.

“We only attract 11% of populations in difficulty to our centers, which leaves you wondering”, says Marlène Mathon, who coordinates the launch of the operation in the department. She chose six cities, Bourogne, Chatenois-les-Forges, Fontaine, Grandvillars, Montreux-Château and Rougemont-le-Châteaufar from these centres, where the truck will stop over from July.

“There are many elderly people who are not ready to move, or for whom the price of gasoline becomes prohibitive to hit the road”says Yves Martin, the head of restaurants in the Territory of Belfort.

A truck that will be like a rolling centerspecifies the association, which will also offer “remotely” its Additional activities : cooking, hairdressing, library, clothing workshops or even job search assistance. “Talking to volunteers is sometimes as important as food aid” explains Marlene Mathon.

Over last summer and winter 2020-2021, in the Territoire de Belfort, the association distributed 326,955 meals to 4,400 people including 157 babies. To benefit from the assistance provided by this new truck, you must register with the Restos du Cœurwhich will indicate the dates of passage, from July.

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