The restaurants of the heart in need of volunteers in Bordeaux

The restaurants in the heart of Gironde have lost 400 volunteers since the start of the pandemic. They are today about 1400 against 1800 2 years ago. A lack of arms which is felt, particularly at the day center for the homeless. Located Ravezies sector in Bordeaux, this center accommodated up to 200 people during the day. It allowed homeless people in the Metropolis to eat, shower or wash their clothes. It also allowed the homeless to benefit from French or IT lessons. Today, these activities are no longer possible, or only in very limited ways. The center only offers cold meals and very limited shower slots 3 times a week. This drop in activity is linked to the pandemic and its numerous health restrictions. The president of the restaurants of the heart, Françoise Casadebaig, explains that “many of the volunteers were elderly people who preferred to withdraw during this period and who did not return.

But today, the health crisis is less felt and the health restrictions are less and less strict, so the association would like to fully reopen the center. By fully resuming all the activities she had left aside. But the candidates are scarce… A situation that hurts the beneficiaries but also the volunteers. As Franck, retired and volunteer for 6 years, testifies: “There’s nothing like it, _It completely changes the relationship we had with them._. We used to play together a few times during the break… There, they take their bag then they leave what.“Despite everything, Franck continues to go every Wednesday morning, from 6 a.m., to rue duprofessor Lalongue. The center is at the very end of the street, it is the only building lit up so early. Inside, there are few many to activate.”We are between 4 and 6 when we should be between 14 and 15“explains Christophe Dejean, the manager of the center.

So every morning, despite the reduction in the number of services offered, it’s a bit of a race against time for Franck and the other volunteers who are busy preparing cold but complete meals. “We prepare a sandwich for them that we accompany with what we have depending on the arrivals.“This morning, the choice of pastries is wide; there are croissants, chocolatines and pain aux raisins, which is not always the case. While Franck is preparing the pockets, Sebah, another volunteer, is heating the coffee and other hot beverages.”I used to take care of the showers and do some housework, but for 2 years I’ve been in charge of drinks.” explains the volunteer, present at the restaurants of the heart for almost 3 years.I come 2 to 3 times a week, as much as I can.”

It is barely 7 a.m. when behind the doors of the center appear the first faces of the beneficiaries. Among them, Jean-Marc, Manu or Kevin. They share a cigarette while waiting for the start of the distribution. Jean-Marc has been coming every morning since the center was created 5 years ago, “except Saturday because it’s closed“. But he laments today a loss of friendliness : “Before when there was the self, we could sit with 3 or 4 friends, it was nice, we had a good laugh.“Today, he is patiently waiting outside for the moment when he can get his pocket back. He hopes it will contain”the small ham snack“which he particularly likes.

At 7:30 a.m. the doors of the center finally open. But none of the beneficiaries can return. Franck and Sebah install the trolleys across the opening on which the meal bags and drink dispensers are placed. The homeless file one after the other in front of the carts. Jean-Marc comes forward. “A milk please, and a mask, mask the threat” he adds, with a smile on his face. Once his pocket and his mask have been recovered, he leaves. It is 8:00 a.m., the sun is rising, many faces will still parade in front, Franck, Sebah and the other volunteers , by the end of the morning. Because every morning between 180 and 200 of them come to pick up a meal.

source site-38