The restaurant “Le Hang’Art” in Pithiviers participates in the “Automne Gourmand” operation

AUTUMN GOURMAND in the Loiret is from Tuesday November 1, 2022 to Wednesday November 30, 2022. On this occasion, 14 restaurants will be honored in the program “side flavors – the good gourmet address” with host Pascal Hernandez live at 10:05 a.m. For this 3rd edition the theme will awaken the taste buds. “NOURISHING GARDENS”: from the Earth to the Plate! New Renaissances in the Center Val de Loire Region

Are you looking for a restaurant to host a private or professional event? Contact Le Hang’art near Orléans. We offer the privatization of our space for cocktails, cocktail parties, birthdays, weddings, baptisms or even seminars.
Experienced and versatile,

Our team takes care of all the details to create a unique event tailored to your needs. We also organize brunches and themed evenings once a month. To find out more, do not hesitate to contact us by phone on 06 71 73 75 62 or by email [email protected]

The Hang’Art © Radio France

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