The resigning archbishop of Paris, Michel Aupetit, denies any connection and says he is “victim of a cabal”

At the end of November, an article in the weekly “Le Point” affirmed that Bishop Michel Aupetit had in 2012, when he was not yet archbishop, an intimate relationship with a woman, which the man of the Church denies. categorically.

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The Archbishop of Paris Mgr Michel Aupetit, whose resignation was accepted by the Pope after he was accused in the press of having had an intimate relationship with a woman, denies any affair and says to himself “victim of a cabal”, in an interview with Parisian published Tuesday, December 14.

At the end of November, the weekly Point (article reserved for subscribers) affirmed that Michel Aupetit had had in 2012, when he was not yet archbishop, an intimate and consented relationship with a woman, which the man of the Church categorically denies.

An email sent by mistake by the prelate left little doubt, according to the weekly, about the relationship maintained.

“She was a person who, as often happens when one is a priest or a doctor, becomes attached because she suffers from loneliness. She wrote to me every day. I replied to a letter and my secretary was able to read it, since we shared the same mailbox “, defends Bishop Michel Aupetit in The Parisian.

December 8, Paris Match published photos of him in the company of a Belgian theologian, Laetitia Calmeyn. “It has nothing to do with a love relationship or a sexual relationship. It’s a friendship (…) I find it despicable that it is soiled”said the archbishop.

He says he had lunch with her in a small bistro before walking with her in the forest of Meudon. “If you can’t eat with a friend anymore without a paparazzi photographing you, what world do we live in?”

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