the requisition of personnel is “illegal”, reacts a representative of the CGT

Elisabeth Borne asked the prefects to initiate the “requisition procedure for the personnel essential to the operation of the depots” of the Esso company. “Blocking the country is never a way to move forward,” the Prime Minister told the National Assembly.

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“I am surprised that Madame Borne chose to announce something illegal”, reacts Tuesday, October 11 on franceinfo Emmanuel Lepine, secretary general of the professional federation of oil of the CGT, which represents Esso and Total stations. He announces that the CGT counts “take the matter to court in summary proceedings” as soon as the decrees have appeared.

>>> LIVE. Fuel shortage: Elisabeth Borne announces the requisition of “personnel essential to the operation of the depots” of Esso-ExxonMobil

“Normally, she and the President of the Republic are the guarantors of the rule of law”, he adds as Elisabeth Borne announces the requisition of personnel from the depots of the Esso-ExxonMobil group. “Refinery depots are not blocked, they are on strike”, continues Emmanuel Lépine. The trade unionist denounces a “incredible irresponsibility” on the part of the government which, according to him, chooses “repression rather than a reasoned response to this conflict”.

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