The Les Républicains party, this constitutional reform is the only way for France to truly regain power over migratory flows.
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The Republicans write to Emmanuel Macron to demand “an ambitious constitutional revision to better legally arm our nation to the migratory challenge”. This letter revealed by Le Figaro and that Franceinfo obtained is dated Thursday December 14.
This is an approach which is being carried out in parallel with the negotiations on the immigration bill carried by Gérald Darmanin and which was the subject of a motion to reject it in the National Assembly. “Without revision of our Constitution, the legal obstacles which today reduce us to impotence will remain and will continue to condemn any firm migration policy to ineffectiveness”insist the Republicans.
“Three very clear priorities”
However, according to information from franceinfo, this initiative is not presented as a condition for the Republicans to vote in favor of the immigration bill, but it is a way of maintaining pressure on the executive. For the LR party, this constitutional reform is the only way for France to truly regain power over migratory flows.
This “necessary constitutional revision revolves around three very clear priorities”, writes the LR party. We wish, “the establishment of binding migration ceilings by which Parliament will set each year precisely the number of residence permits which will be granted by the administration, including in matters of family immigration”we can read in this letter.
These migration ceilings “will, of course, not apply to asylum seekers or European Union nationals. They will allow the establishment of regular, chosen and regulated immigration, under the annual control of the national representation”.