“The Republicans are not intended to become the crutch of Macronie and to save this government in the event of 49.3”, indicates the deputy of Lot.
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Republicans should not be “a sub-range of the Macronie” under penalty of “disappear”says this Wednesday on franceinfo, the LR deputy for Lot, Aurélien Pradié, who assures that he will vote “against” the pension reform.
>>”It can move until the last moment”: will the Republican deputies vote for pension reform?
“I have always said that this reform, as it stands, was not votable for me”, made a point of reminding the deputy who has been calling for additional measures for several weeks in favor of long careers. For the party’s former number two “When you are a Les Républicains deputy, you have a duty to stand firm against the government”. The boss of LR deputies Olivier Marleix, who sits on a joint joint committee to try to find a consensus on this controversial text, assured his side that on the question of long careers, he would bring the request of Aurélien Pradié during deputies discussions /senators. “The text on pension reform will be negotiated through political negotiations, not through a democratic exercise”regrets however the deputy of Lot.
“I am not a macronist and I do not want to become one”And “I hold on”, he hammers. He calls the “members of the joint committee”his friends and those “which are not [ses] political friends”, to “lead the battle for long careers”because it is for him, “a matter of political honor”.
And while uncertainty hangs over the use of article 49.3 to pass the reform without a vote, Aurélien Pradié encourages his LR colleagues to “to have a debate” about the filing of a motion of censure. “The question of a motion of censure” co-submitted by LR deputies “will arise” in the event of 49.3, explains the one who was dismissed from his position as number two after having sharply criticized the pension reform project. “The Republicans are not intended to become the crutch of Macronie and to save this government in the event of 49.3”he repeats. “Within the group, we must debate the best way to ensure that there is no vocation to mix our voices with other political projects that are not ours”he adds.