The Republicans are “all united around a common objective, to be useful to the French and to our country”, says MEP LR Brice Hortefeux

“We want to form a political formation, the Republicans, the UDI, the centrists, which is free and independent,” explains Nicolas Sarkozy’s former interior minister.

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“We are all united around a common goal, that of being useful to the French and to our country. This is what binds us”, explained Tuesday April 26 on franceinfo Brice Hortefeux, MEP LR. Republicans passed a motion for an independent, grassroots right that must stand on its own.

“We are all convinced that in order to be useful, we need a republican right that is free, independent and strong. If we, the republican right, are not there, it would come down to a face to face between the swamp macronist who would find himself facing the extremes or the populists. If we leave macronism facing populism, I think it is dangerous. Brice Hortefeux felt that populism wants to do “believing that there are simple solutions to complicated problems. This is the case of the Rassemblement national and La France insoumise. However, this is not true. There are no simple solutions to complicated problems.”

Damien Abad, who did not speak to the press, has been at the center of increased speculation since the revelation of a recent meeting with Thierry Solère, ex-LR who became an adviser to Emmanuel Macron. Several LR deputies could turn to Emmanuel Macron. “Our ambition is to create a parliamentary group which will not be in the obstruction but in the construction. That is the objective.” If what Emmanuel Macron proposes suits the Republicans, they will say yes, assures Brice Hortefeux. “We want to form a political formation, the Republicans, the UDI, the centrists, which is free and independent. We are not for the single formation.”

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