the Republican Geoffroy Didier “disgusted to see that Éric Zemmour refuses to welcome even one person from Ukraine”


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Eric Zemmour had estimated Monday 28 February that the arrival of Ukrainian refugees risked “destabilize France”and that he preferred them to stay in Poland.

“I am sickened to see that Éric Zemmour categorically refuses the very principle of welcoming even one person from Ukraine”said Sunday March 6 on franceinfo Geoffroy Didier, director of communication for Valérie Pécresse and MEP LR.

>> LIVE. War in Ukraine: the Russian army continues its offensive against Kiev, Kharkiv and Mariupol on the eleventh day of the invasion

“When you want to preside over France, embody the French people, you need humanity above all. He is obviously devoid of it when he expresses himself like this”, continues Geoffroy Didier.

“Let’s welcome the refugees, take our part, it’s a gesture of humanity, solidarity and even responsibility that belongs to us.”

Geoffroy Didier

at franceinfo

Among the refugees, “many will want to stay in Poland, many will want to go back to Ukraine as soon as possible, but some will have to settle in other countries of the European Union”. The UN predicts between 5 and 7 million displaced Ukrainians in the coming weeks. Geoffroy Didier does not want to comment on the number of refugees that France must welcome: “I would not allow myself to give a number. Generosity is a principle, it is not measured in number of people.”

Faced with the humanitarian emergency, Geoffroy Didier is “very happy that European heads of state have decided on an exceptional humanitarian plan”. “We are going to have hundreds of thousands of women, children and elderly people from Ukraine who will arrive via Poland and who will have to settle for a few months, even a few years, within the European Union. France will have to play its part because it is the tradition of welcoming refugees that does the honor of our country.”


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