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Monsignor Mathieu Rougé, bishop of Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine), is the guest of the “4 Vérités” of France 2, Friday, December 24.
Will the upsurge in the Covid-19 epidemic affect Christmas masses and celebrations? “There are no gauges. On the other hand, Catholics have got into the habit of putting on their masks, of taking gel. The most important thing is the joy of being able to get together to celebrate Christmas”, explains Monsignor Mathieu Rougé, bishop of Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine), guest of the “4 Vérités” of France 2, Friday, December 24.
Does this new Christmas under Covid create a particular feeling? “I feel lassitude, fatigue, deep. We, as Christians, our mission is to bear witness to the hope that is given to us”, indicates the Bishop of Nanterre.
In the diocese of Nanterre, a procession was threatened by a group of people clearly inspired by radical Islamism. “The procession was very painful, very traumatic for those who participated. An investigation is underway. This procession shows that there are tensions, fractures in our society”, specifies Mathieu Rougé.
In 2021, the independent commission headed by Jean-Marc Sauvé released its report, which found that at least 300,000 people had been sexually abused by people working as priests or for the Church since the 1950s. “The report was very harsh to take. It shed a stark light on real institutional dysfunctions. We are very committed to trying to move forward. This reality of abuse is obviously traumatic for everyone.”, concludes the Bishop of Nanterre.