the repair bonus multiplied by two from January 1st


Video duration:
1 minute


Article written by

franceinfo – J. Van Hove, L. Marcon, C. Rigeade, L. Bensimon, A. Belderrain, V. Jové

France Televisions

The repair premium will be doubled from January 1st. The government wants to encourage the repair of devices, and this bonus is meeting with some success.

A mother had to call a repairer. His washing machine bought five years ago is leaking. Half an hour later, the washing machine is repaired. “If we can make a repair and it leaves for five years, for us it’s a big benefit.“, she emphasizes. Cost of the intervention: 105 euros. But good news, she benefits from the repair bonus of 25 euros discount. From January 1, this bonus will even double. For a washing machine or a dishwasher, it will go from 25 to 50 euros.

Target 12 million

New devices are eligible for this bonus, such as mobile phone screens, microwave ovens and even printers. Consumers will be able to deduct 25 euros from their bill when they have their screens repaired. More and more companies are labeled QualiRépar. The bonus is of interest and repair becomes a reflex for customers. The government’s goal is to repair more than 12 million devices each year.

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