The Renaissance party files a complaint against two parliamentarians from La France insoumise for defamation

Emmanuel Macron’s movement criticizes Clémentine Autain and Danielle Simonnet for comments made on Twitter.

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The Insoumise MPs Clémentine Autain and Danielle Simmonet at the National Assembly, June 20, 2022. (VINCENT ISORE / MAXPPP)

The Renaissance party has filed a complaint for defamation against two deputies from La France insoumise, Clémentine Autain and Danielle Simonnet, several parliamentary sources indicate to franceinfo. The complaint was filed Tuesday, May 3 at midday by Stéphane Sejourné, on behalf of Renaissance.

The political formation criticizes the two parliamentarians for having published and not having removed several tweets accusing Renaissance of being linked to the remarks of Salime Mdéré. The vice-president of the departmental council of Mayotte had qualified as “delinquents”of “thugs”of “terrorists” young Comorians, believing that it was necessary “maybe kill some so they can’t” continue their abuses. “I absolutely condemn the words of Salime Mdéré”, reacted on Twitter the Minister Delegate for Overseas Jean-François Carenco. Condemnation also of the prefect of Mayotte. For his part, the prosecutor of Mayotte had announced the opening of an investigation “das soon as the facts were brought to my attention”.

Renaissance denies any link with Salime Mdéré

On Twitter, Clémentine Autain has indeed denounced “a call for murder assumed by the vice-president LREM of the departmental council of Mayotte”, in a post published on April 25. For her part, Danielle Simonnet wrote: “May this elected macronist from Mayotte resign and be prosecuted!” Renaissance has however always ensured that Salim Mdere was neither a member of the presidential party nor supported by the majority. “I am convinced that we must not miss anything, the response will be systematic”assures Stéphane Séjourné, general secretary of Renaissance, to franceinfo.

Faced with the outcry caused by his statements, the vice-president of the departmental council of Mayotte had backpedaled by assuring that his remarks had “exceeded his thought” and presented “willingly” his excuses “if they could hit”.

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