Video length: 2 min
Medical deductibles: the remaining charge for consultations increases from one to two euros
Medical deductibles: the remaining charge for consultations increases from one to two euros
(France 2)
From Wednesday May 15, the remaining charge for medical consultations increases from one to two euros. The government thus wants to make savings in the Social Security coffers. What do patients think? Report from Bordeaux, in Gironde.
Seeing a doctor will cost you more from Wednesday May 15. For an appointment with the general practitioner, the specialist, or biology exams, the remainder payable, that is to say the part not reimbursed by Social Security and mutual insurance companies, increases from one to two euros. In Bordeaux (Gironde), in a practice, some patients understand the increase. The annual ceiling remains unchanged, set at 50 euros. But the measure still worries people with the lowest incomes, such as a student.
Considered more precarious, minors and pregnant women remain exempt from this participation. For Joël Carrera, general practitioner, these two euros are a charge that can alienate the patient from health professionals. This is the second increase of the year for patients. In March, the medical franchise on medicines doubled, going from 50 cents to one euro. Same thing for medical transport, where the excess has increased from two to four euros. In total, with these measures, the government hopes to save 800 million euros per year in Social Security funds.
Flat rate contribution of €2, Health insurance
Non-exhaustive list