The government hopes to recover 800 million euros to save money.
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Fixed-rate contributions will be doubled for French policyholders from May 15, franceinfo learned on Tuesday April 16 from Health Insurance. After deduction from Health Insurance, patients will now have to pay 2 euros after a consultation with the doctor or a medical biology examination, instead of one euro currently.
Concerning medical transport, the franchise increases from two to four euros. These amounts are not refundable by mutual insurance companies. Barring exceptions, they therefore remain the responsibility of the patient. Medical deductibles have already cost more since March 31. After deduction from Health Insurance, you still have to pay 1 euro per box of medicine, instead of 50 cents.
The government hopes to make savings: 800 million euros in total. The ceilings for deductibles and for fixed contributions will be maintained at 50 euros per year and per patient for – according to the government – “protect those affected by a serious pathology”.