the relief of this Nancy after his flight from Kiev

After three days of exodus, Jean Thomas from Nancy and his Ukrainian companion have arrived safe and sound this Wednesday, March 2 in Warsaw, around 4 a.m., by train. “The people in the car where I was applauded”, says the former president of the Lorraine Athletics League. The current treasurer of the French athletics federation obviously entrusted his “relief“to France Bleu Lorraine after this trip”heavy and scary” from Kiev on Monday.

Between relief and concern

It was a bit complicated because the trains are very slow and crowded. We’re really like sardines in the wagons“, continues Jean Thomas. The Nancy remains however very worried for those he has left behind in Ukraine.My girlfriend’s son is a student in Kharkiv. For several days, a city has been bombarded. And there, this morning, we received a video of his university which was in flames.“The university and the security headquarters were indeed bombed this Wednesday by the Russians, killing at least four people and injuring nine.

Jean Thomas should arrive in Paris on Wednesday March 2, in the evening.
John Thomas

Jean Thomas and his wife are due to arrive in Paris in the evening, before joining Lorraine on Thursday morning.

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