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According to information from France Télévisions, there are tensions between the President of the Republic and his former Prime Minister. The current mayor of Le Havre intends to strike a blow for these legislative elections.
Relations between Emmanuel Macron and Édouard Philippe are strained. At the heart of the tensions is the preparation of legislative elections and the distribution of constituencies between the forces of the majority, which the Head of State monitors extremely closely from the Élysée. “Édouard is greedy beyond reason. He arrived with an excessive demand for 140 constituencies” for his Horizons party, tackles a close friend of Emmanuel Macron, while a minister affirms: “He was betting that he was going to make Macron win by bringing him the right. Macron won on his own and that drove Édouard crazy!”
A false statement, retorts a support from Edouard Philippe. During the campaign, the former Prime Minister was among those who made the most meetings, underlines his entourage, as proof of loyalty. “Édouard does not claim victory, but he claims constituencies to have a group and enlarge the majority”, assures a relative of Édouard Philippe. But beyond the legislative elections, it is the succession of Emmanuel Macron who seems already engaged, Édouard Philippe having never hidden his ambition.