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Friday, June 3, the 100th day of the war in Ukraine, some Germans accuse their former chancellor, Angela Merkel, of having been too close to Vladimir Putin.
Since her departure from the chancellery, Angela Merkel has been criticized for her relations with Moscow during her sixteen years in power. “She hoped, through cooperation with Russia, that we could control Russia”, analyzes Sabine Von Oppeln, political scientist at the Freie Universität Berlin. The ex-chancellor is criticized for having supported the construction of gas pipelines, which made Germany dependent on Russia for more than half of its imports. On the 100th day of war in Ukraine, Friday June 3, a Russian oil embargo is not an option for the country.
The Germans are divided by the attitude of the politician. “She should have diversified more energy sources”assures a man. “She made mistakes, but we’re always smarter afterwards”, tempers another. During the week, Angela Merkel condemned “Russia’s war of barbaric aggression”without being responsible for its policy.