the regional adviser of the RN Philippe Vardon claims that the question of alliances with Reconquest! “be decided by a vote”

The regional councilor of Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur requests that the possibility of an agreement with the formation of Eric Zemmour, to which the party leadership is hostile, “be the subject of a real debate”.

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It is not only on the left that the parties are divided on the question of alliances in view of the legislative elections in June. Philippe Vardon, regional councilor of the National Rally (RN) in the Provences-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur region (Paca), claimed that the question of alliances with Reconquête! be decided in the national council, in a letter consulted by AFP, Monday, May 2.

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Several RN officials have said they are hostile to negotiations with the political formation of Eric Zemmour. The party’s acting president, Jordan Bardella, repeated this position on Sunday, during an extended national council of the party by videoconference. But in a letter, Philippe Vardon asks “solemnly” that the question of alliances “be the subject of a real debate and be decided by a vote” of the national council.

“To so brutally sweep away any prospect of union, or even simply of discussion, simply amounts to sacrificing the RN in the South”, believes the regional councilor. He affirms that “without agreement, the prospect is that half of the second rounds could escape the national camp”particularly in the Paca region, where Eric Zemmour achieved significant scores in the first round of the presidential election. “Beyond egos and bitterness, the RN can find in Reconquest! the long-awaited ally” and “logic would even say that, rather than seeking to destroy this party, the RN helps it to finish off LR”believes Philippe Vardon.

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