the regime claims to have defeated the Covid




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Since July 29, Pyongyang has reported no new Covid-19 cases.

On state television, North Koreans often go through all the feelings. For once, the latest official images showed tears on the faces of members of the ruling party. They were visibly shocked to learn that their leader Kim Jong-un had contracted the coronavirus, information given to the platform by his sister.

“Our boss suffered from a high fever for several days. He remained in quarantine, but he could not lie down, because he was thinking of the people he was responsible for”, said Kim Yo-Jong. However, the regime’s propaganda shows Kim Jong-un apparently in good health and grateful for the support given. On Wednesday, the leader of the regime congratulated himself on having won a total victory against the virus. To fight this virus, Pyongyang has deployed an army of soldierss in red jumpsuit. It was she who officially won the battle.

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