The red panda
The red panda is very cute. He has a fairly white head, red hair and of course a black belly so as not to be spotted by predators watching from below. He has hair under his paws, a sixth finger and semi-retractable claws to be able to climb up and down trees. He has a balance that allows him to descend upside downlike the raccoon.
– Marie Demoulin
A family story…
The red panda had a hard time finding his family! It has been classified among the ursidae like the giant panda. But in fact, panda simply means bamboo eater. Then we put it with the raccoons, because they look a bit alike. And then finally, he is all alone in his own class, which is called the ailurids. And he is the only living representative of it.
– Caroline Jeangerard
The Red Panda’s typical day: eating bamboo and sleeping
But be careful, the bamboo must be very fresh! Indeed, the red panda only eats the greenest leaves. It is their one and only food intake. Yet these are animals that basically have a carnivorous digestive system. But they turned to a herbivorous diet, so only bamboo, because there were not enough animals in the environment in which they lived. They adapted.
The red panda eats a lot, almost 4 kilos of food a day…and suddenly…1 kilo of poo a day!
– @Pierrick Boyer
To see, Mushu, the female, Oshi the male, and the two twins born in June 2021, Ron and Ginny, a male and a female, head to house number 32 which they share with 2 crested deer
– Auvergne animal park
The Auvergne animal park of Ardes sur Couze
The Auvergne animal park has been committed since 2012 to the protection of endangered species. You will discover species in danger of extinction. The park also financially supports wildlife protection programs around the world. 1€ of your ticket is donated to Play for Nature to support these programs
To discover the 350 animals of 65 different species and prepare your visit, head to the site of the Auvergne animal park in Ardes sur Couze. The park is open all summer from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.. Please note that pets are not allowed in the park.
Of many activities with animals are offered to you: day caretaker, family safari, privileged encounter…and new for 2022: breakfast with the animals before the park opens!
Follow the news of the Auvergne animal park on Facebook
– AlonzoDesign