The Red Cross training center opens its doors this Saturday in Quetigny

Future graduates have until March 29 to register on the Parcoursup platform, so now is the time to make their choice(s) and if you are interested in the health and social professions, or if you plan to train in apprenticeship, the Red Cross is organizing an open house this Saturday morning to present the training provided in these centers in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.

You can meet the teams on site, but also exchange with learners and ask all the questions about the different establishments and the training courses offered there.

These open doors also welcome people looking for a professional retraining.

Training offered at each site

* QUETIGNY: Nurse, Nursing Assistant, Childcare Auxiliary

* LONS LE SAUNIER: Nurse, Nursing Assistant, Medical and Medico-Social Secretary

* VESOUL: Nurse, Nursing Assistant, Educational and Social Support

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