the Red Bull-Mercedes fight, a French victory and the return of Ferrari… What to remember from the 2021 season

After 22 races, the Formula 1 world championship delivered its verdict on Sunday, December 12, during the last lap of the last Grand Prix, in Abu Dhabi. For the first time, Max Verstappen was crowned world champion, ahead of Lewis Hamilton, after an intense duel between the two drivers this season. If the Dutchman finished at the top of the drivers ‘standings, Mercedes won the constructors’ standings. Behind these two teams, Ferrari once again became the third force on the circuit, Alpine finished fifth and the French drivers climbed on the podium.

Red Bull, Mercedes … and the others

For the eighth consecutive season, Mercedes won the constructors’ world championship, a meager consolation prize after letting the driver’s title slip away. The German team ended its season with 614.5 points, ahead of Red Bull, which has 584.5. Like their respective leaders, Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen, the two teams battled each other throughout the season, far ahead of the other teams, with occasional clashes on and off the track.

Out of 22 races, eleven finished with a podium held 100% by the Mercedes and Red Bull drivers, and seven with the same three drivers: Max Verstappen, Lewis Hamilton and Valtteri Bottas. Only two races were not won by Mercedes and Red Bull: the Hungarian Grand Prix and the Monza Grand Prix. “This domination is the reflection of past investments, with greater human and financial resources”, explains Cyril Abiteboul, former managing director of Renault F1.

Ferrari back on the podium

Sixth in the constructors ‘standings last season, Ferrari once again becomes the third force in the paddock in 2021. While McLaren and its Mercedes engine seemed to be able to titillate the two leading teams, it is the Italian team that climbs on the podium of the constructors’ championship. . Unlike McLaren, the Maranello firm did not win a Grand Prix, but has five podiums and drivers regularly in points, while Daniel Ricciardo lacked consistency with his new team.

According to Cyril Abiteboul, this comeback can be explained by changes in the engine: “In 2019, their engine was not quite in line with the regulations. They had to legalize it in a rush before the 2020 season and therefore had a mixed season. Since then they have brought their engine up to standard. , with more competitiveness “.

Alpine fifth in the championship

After a complicated start to the season, Alpine had a more satisfying end to the championship, materialized by Fernando Alonso’s podium in Qatar. The French team, formerly Renault, also won a Grand Prix, thanks to Esteban Ocon, in Hungary. “Alpine can remember some very good moments this year, with an engine that has not changed for two seasons. It was a strategic choice that we made last year for budgetary reasons because we wanted focus on the chassis. Ultimately Alpine is doing quite well even if the gap with Ferrari and McLaren remains significant but corresponds to the points lost at the start of the season, which cannot be made up “, observes with attention Cyril Abiteboul, former director of the team.

A victory for Esteban Ocon and a podium for Pierre Gasly

After the one that sounded at Monza in 2020 for Pierre Gasly, Esteban Ocon was entitled, in turn, to the Marseillaise, on the podium of the Hungarian Grand Prix. The Frenchman won his first Grand Prix after a race marked by many retirements from the first corner, an interruption and a wet track. He thus became the 14th French winner of the Grand Prix and finished in 11th place in the world championship.

After a second place in Brazil in 2019 and a victory at Monza in 2021, Pierre Gasly had a new podium this season, in Azerbaijan, where he took third place after a lively race. The Alpha Tauri driver has also scored 110 points in F1 this season, a record that allows him to finish ninth in the world championship. “Pierre confirms the resilience he had after returning to Alpha Tauri. I don’t see him returning to Red Bull anytime soon, although it would be deserved, so he may have to find a new environment for himself. . His performances are recognized by everyone “, notes Cyril Abiteboul.

What prospects for 2022?

In 2022, the FIA ​​is introducing new regulations, at the aerodynamic, pneumatic and engine levels, with the introduction of 10% bio-fuel. Budget limits will also be imposed on the stables. As a privileged observer of the paddock, Cyril Abiteboul expects a slightly more open grid: “I hear that Ferrari could make a nice engine development that could also be used by its partner teams, including Alfa Romeo. I also hear that on the aréordynamic side, some teams manage to have very significant gains. expect a huge development, strong teams will remain strong but maybe teams like Ferrari or Alpine can take a step forward and slip more regularly into the battles at the top of the table “.

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