The recycling of illusions | The duty

Everyone struggles, week after week, to feed their green bin. It is understood that we must make efforts in this direction. Everyone does. We welcome it. In private. In public. For a small weekly effort, is it not possible to contribute to better prospects for the future? The recycling bin on which we lean is a prayer that rises to the sky asking him not to fall on our heads. We recycle, in a faith in sharing, notwithstanding the fact that we consume more than ever.

What are we trying to do, if not to achieve an illusory balance between what comes in and what comes out? Recycling, sometimes compulsively, partly relieves us of the troubled feeling engendered by the frenetic exaltation of consumption. At the rate at which we consume our resources, the UN estimates that greenhouse gases will increase by 14% by 2030. However, to best counter the harmful effects of this worst-case growth, a reduction of 45% would be needed. %…

Recycling on an individual basis, isn’t this at the very least being aware of our collective excesses? We know in any case that these are consensual symbolic gestures, the repetition of which is not enough. Here is the show Investigation of Radio-Canada tells us that recycling in Montreal is a decoy. A large portion of our consumer waste, in the projected illusion of “sustainable development”, is in fact transported tens of thousands of kilometers away. They are burnt there, after having traveled so much, in order to turn the furnaces of polluting industries which also feed our frenetic consumption… In other words, we are not even able to take care of our excreta while they continue to grow, under the consensual tent of the supposed “sustainable development”.

The case is so big that the Office of Inspector General of Montreal, the OIG, recommends terminating the current recycling contract “as soon as possible”. The problem is that the other possible choices, for the moment, are almost non-existent. The drift is therefore likely to continue, in barely renewed forms, not to mention possible legal proceedings that risk stretching the case. Those supposedly responsible, on both sides, are certainly not on the eve of admitting wrongdoing.

Still, we let ourselves be deceived by our illusions. And now they bounce back to come back to us, like a slap in the face. How could you have believed that the smelly old garbage trucks, if they were painted green and decorated with grotesque environmental slogans, were the messengers of a better world rather than the rolling reflections of what matters most in our fashion? of life ?

Humanity continues to defile its nest even more, while giving itself the illusion that it is going to reform itself in the common scansion of strings of ecological verbiage. Global warming goes hand in hand with the budgetary warming that all governments are calling for, without ever seriously considering that their prospects are indeed chilling.

The question of the misuse of recycling brings us directly back to the bad fate that we are doing to our immense forest territory. Its preservation should immediately become an absolute priority. And yet, despite wild promises of sound management, this common space continues to be subject to nameless exploitation.

At the height of the pandemic, the price of the single piece of lumber, the basis of our ready-to-throw cardboard prefab homes, was selling at record highs. Gold teamInvestigation noted that the Quebec government had then ceded very large swaths of the public forest at half price, in the name of secret agreements from which its operators benefit. In other words, these companies obtained raw material for almost nothing, in defiance of the intelligent preservation of the forest, at the very time when our own wood was billed to us at very high prices!

The exploitation of the forest ended, the forest roads are quite simply abandoned. Thousands of kilometers of these dangerous and deadly roads represent considerable ecological dangers, shows another report byInvestigation, who has a lot of ideas. We collectively pay for these forest roads, for the sole benefit of private interests. The Ministry of the Environment never cracks down on the Ministry of the Forest, which is nevertheless responsible for these more than dubious practices.

At a time when the most recent state budget grants almost nothing to the protection of the forest, 152 million more dollars are paid for its exploitation, including 50 million to create even more of these forest roads! Are we in the middle of an open bar? How to be so betrayed and continue to accept more? In this uncertain country, there is a mining company, reports the excellent Alexandre Shields in The duty, simply asks to destroy 25 lakes, near Fermont, to bury its residues there! How many projects of this kind ignore the future of the territory without our really realizing it?

How to understand a society well aware of the drift of its collective interests, but which continues to float on its illusions? Don’t we live as if we’d rather die?

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