the recovery certificate obtained after a positive test will be valid for four months, and no longer six, announces Olivier Véran

The Minister of Health announced this new rule, which will come into force on February 15, in a video shared on social networks.

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From February 15, the recovery certificate, obtained after a positive test, will only be valid for four months instead of six previously, announced the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, in a shared video. Friday, January 28 on social networks. “LPeople who cannot carry out their recall in time because they have been infected with Covid-19, will be able to use their recovery certificate from 11 days after infection and up to 4 months for those aged 18 and over”, detailed the day before the Ministry of Health on its website.

This certificate “proves that you have tested positive for Covid-19: it is the positive result of this RT-PCR or antigen test (…) A self-test does not allow you to have a certificate of recovery”, can we still read.

This announcement brings the rules of the vaccination pass into line with the policy “an injection = an infection”, promoted by the government since the start of the vaccination campaign. Thus, the vaccine pass will also be deactivated after four months after the last vaccine injection for people who have not received their booster dose. Medicare helps you calculate when you should receive your reminder.

In his message, which he describes as“call for mobilization for vaccination”, Olivier Véran is pleased that “more than 35 million French people” received their booster dose. “It’s a lot, but it’s still not enough”, notify the minister.

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