the recovered voice of Albin de la Simone

It is absolutely no coincidence that we recognize, on this seventh studio album, some melodies from the sixth, happy ending. Albin de la Simone, faced with the pandemic, had delivered a little instrumental gem two years ago, confronted, he said, with his lack of inspiration. Finally, the texts came back, captured on this new disc. Explanations of the principal concerned: “When the instrumental album came out, I realized that without knowing it, I had made songs without words, that is to say song formats with verses, hyper singable melodies, they haunted and demanded their words“.

The format, immediately and resolutely pop, of this new album is perhaps also the fruit of a collaboration with Ambroise Willaume, known as Sage, director having worked in particular for the two acclaimed albums of Clara Luciani. Albin de la Simone called on him to allow himself other paths: “I really needed some fresh air, some new inspiration and Sage, I know him, I know his work and I had noticed that in addition to being very good, the records he works on don’t don’t look like. It’s an incredible strength in a director, it proves that he is very attentive“.

“I used to think I’d be stronger if I did everything myself, which is stupid and doesn’t add up.”

Albin de la Simone

at franceinfo

Here, each song has a story, sometimes personal. little little me offered, for example, the idea for the record cover, a very young Albin de la Simone in his mother’s arms, in black and white. “I wrote that vaguely from a memory of a photo that must have existed; when I finished the song, I asked my mother if it existed, and she sent it to me. I find her so crazy, she says something very beautiful and is so linked to the album, too. I see a happy and free child there and it’s really beautiful“.

And to sublimate it, Albin de la Simone will sing this album at the Musée d’Orsay, as proof that his pieces are so many little works to be unrolled.

Albin de la Simone’s new album, enchanting and exciting | Yann Bertrand’s chronicle


Albin de la Simone, The Next Hundred Years (Sooner or later). Album available. On tour, March 28 at the Les Emancipées festival in Vannes, April 5, 6 and 7 at the Musée d’Orsay, April 22 at the Printemps de Bourges, July 15 at the Francofolies de la Rochelle and November 16 at the Cirque d’ Winter in Paris.

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