the reconstitution took place without the defendant, confirms the prosecution

The reconstruction of the murder of an employment center advisor in Valence, in January 2021, took place this Tuesday without Gabriel Fortin, indicted in this case, confirmed the prosecution.

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Gabriel Fortin, indicted in particular for the murder on January 28, 2021 of the Pôle Emploi adviser Patricia Pasquion in Valence, refused to participate in the reconstruction of the facts on Tuesday December 14 according to the Valence prosecutor’s office, confirming information from France Bleu Drôme Ardèche .

The reconstitution took place within the agency, avenue Victor Hugo, which has never reopened since January. Not wishing to participate in this reconstruction, Gabriel Fortin “was extracted against his will from the penitentiary center” before “renew its refusal to participate and to speak, as was the case since the start of the legal proceedings”, specifies the parquet floor. The reconstitution, which was therefore done without him but “in the presence of certain witnesses and colleagues of the victim”, ended at 3 p.m. Tuesday, December 14.

An important device had been set up on avenue Victor Hugo in Valence for the needs of the reconstruction. About 30 police cordoned off the area.

Gabriel Fortin is accused of a series of murders in Drôme, Ardèche and Alsace committed last January. He is indicted for the assassination of Patricia Pasquion, but also those of Geraldine Caclin (HRD at Faun in Guilherand-Granges in Ardèche) and Estelle Luce (HRD shot in Wolfgantzen in the Haut-Rhin). He is also being prosecuted for an assassination attempt on another HRD in Wattwiller near Mulhouse.

Since he was arrested and imprisoned, the unemployed 45-year-old Nancy has always remained silent, especially about his personality. “It’s absolute silence”, regrets, master Denis Dreyfus, the lawyer of the relatives of Patricia Pasquion.

Even without his participation, Gabriel Fortin will be judged. Experts concluded that his discernment was neither altered nor abolished. There have been no other requests for expertise at this stage.

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