The recipe and the steps to follow for a gourmet aperitif

Next to small homemade oven (or frozen ones, we know the technique), toasts with cream cheese or salmon, a large homemade puff pastry tree, it really looks great! Especially since it would be a shame to do without it when you know that the recipe is super easy!

Ingredients for 1 tree (6 guests):

  • 2 puff pastry rolls
  • 1 pot of pesto
  • 1 pot of ricotta
  • 10 cherry tomatoes
  • 1 egg yolk
  • Provence herbs

The steps to make 1 Christmas tree

1) Prepare the stuffing: in a bowl, mix half the pot of pesto with the ricotta and the cherry tomatoes cut in 4.

2) Spread out the two puff pastry doughs, then as in the picture, cut a Christmas tree in each of them.

3) On one of the trees, spread the pesto mixture evenly. Then cover with the second tree, taking care to align the edges.

4) The shape of the tree: draw two lines with a knife starting from the top of the tree, to the bottom, to clearly define the trunk of the tree. It should be a bit wide, but not too wide either.

5) On each side, cut horizontal strips about 2 cm wide. As in the photo, to make the branches.

6) Finally, twist each strip for a nice effect. Once the tree is built, do not forget to brush the surface with egg yolk to give it a nice color and that it is crunchy. You can then add your Herbes de Provence, but also very finely parmesan, or even pink berries for decoration!

The aperitif is ready! And you, you will enjoy yourself.

Tomorrow, for December 21, several recipes for balanced and truly original toast. See you tomorrow !

Also to do: Cyril Lignac’s ultra-simple recipe for a breathtaking Christmas log!

Ophelia Moisant

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