The reception of unaccompanied minors in debate in Seine-Maritime

The Solidarity Network with Migrants of Rouen challenges the department of Seine-Maritime in the reception of unaccompanied minors. He asks him to take better care of these minors who are not yet recognized as minors. The network currently hosts about forty but estimates that as many live on the streets. And he denounces the specific policy of the department of Seine-Maritime, harder according to him than in the other departments. “It’s not the reality”answered this Thursday on France Bleu Normandie Nathalie Lecordier, Vice-President of the departmental council responsible in particular for Children and the Family, “all of the unaccompanied minors who arrive on our territory are between 16, 17 and close to 18 years old. So knowing the exact age is all the complexity (….) “At the end of 2021, we were at 611 young unaccompanied minors in Seine-Maritime, including more than 200 in APJM, temporary support for young adults”.

At the end of January, Parliament adopted a relatively consensual bill on the protection of these children: it sets in stone the end of dry outings from Childhood Social Assistance (ASE) at the age of 18, prohibits the reception of minors in the hotel and remunerates the host families better.

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