the recall period will be reduced to three months from Tuesday

By shortening the time between the second and third dose, the government is trying to respond to the progression of the highly contagious Omicron variant.

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From Tuesday, December 28, the French will be able to receive their anti-Covid vaccine booster, often referred to as a third dose, three months after their initial vaccination, announced Monday, December 27, Jean Castex. From Tuesday, “it will be enough three months after your second injection or your first if you have had the Covid to benefit from your booster”, detailed the Prime Minister during a press conference following a health defense council and a Council of Ministers.

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For several weeks, the government has gradually reduced the time limit for the booster dose, in the face of an epidemic outbreak now reinforced by the arrival of the new Omicron variant, much more contagious than the previous strains of the virus. Initially set at six months, this period was reduced to five and, in recent days, to four months.

In France, the booster doses are necessarily given from a messenger RNA vaccine, whether it is that of Pfizer / BioNTech or that of Moderna even if the latter is not recommended for those under 30 years old because of occasional side effects. on the heart. By further reducing the time limit, the government is following the advice of the High Authority for Health (HAS). This had been pronounced, just before Christmas, so that the reminders could be given after three months.

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