the rebound of the epidemic leads to a sharp increase in hospitalizations and an increase in deaths

The Covid epidemic, which is on the rise again, is leading to a sharp recovery in hospitalizations and an increase in deaths, Public Health France alert in its weekly bulletin this Friday. Evidence that the number of cases is increasing sharply, tests are also up very sharply, and passed the two million test mark per week. According to the president of the scientific council Jean-François Delfraissy, the peak of this 7th wave is expected for the end of July.

Hospitalizations up sharply, deaths rise

Last week, hospitalizations were on the rise “in all age groups”, indicates Public Health France. Highest hospitalization rates are in the 80s and over. the incidence rate increased by more than 50% in almost all age groups.

In social and medico-social establishments, after six weeks of decline, “the number of new confirmed cases has increased again from May 30, also indicates Public Health France.

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The bar of two million tests in one week exceeded

Another illustration of the acceleration of this seventh wave, the number of tests again crossed the two million mark in one week, according to figures released Thursday by the Ministry of Health. With over 2.1 million PCR and antigen tests validated between June 20 and 26 against more than 1.6 million the previous week, “the increase in the number of tests is accentuated”, indicates the Drees, the direction of statistics in a press release. If the number of tests is on the rise “for all age groups”, it remains much more pronounced among those under 16 (+49%).

The peak expected for mid-July, the care system in tension at the end of July?

The seventh wave of Covid-19 should not “not spoil the summer”, but the healthcare system could be under pressure again towards the end of July, estimated Thursday the president of the scientific council Jean-François Delfraissy on RTL. “It’s not going to ruin the summer because we are vaccinated”he added. But we expect 1,500 daily hospital admissions within a week, that is to say as in March, when the supply of care is weaker”, he noted. “It is enough for there to be a shift from a greater number of hospitalizations linked to Covid to a tired healthcare system and there will be a difficult balance at the end of July-beginning of August” at peak time, he warned.

Isolation still necessary in the event of a positive test

“It remains necessary to isolate oneself in the event of symptoms and a positive test for Covid-19”, warns Public Health France. “It is essential to apply barrier gestures on an individual basis, including wearing a mask (in the presence of fragile people and in the event of crowding in closed spaces, especially in transport, or during large gatherings), hand washing and frequent airing of closed places”.

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A fourth dose recommended for the most fragile

Alain Fischer, president of the orientation council for the French vaccine strategy, again encouraged the most fragile (over 60 and immunocompromised), on France Inter, to take a 4th dose of vaccine. A few days before the big departures on vacation, the professor also advises to the grandparents who will receive their grandchildren to perform their second recall. “It is absolutely essential, it cannot be discussed, it is imperative to limit the consequences of this wave as much as possible”, slice Alain Fischer.

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A quarter of eligible people received their second Covid booster shot, rate “clearly insufficient”according to the government.

The mask encouraged in closed places and transport, but not compulsory

Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne on Tuesday asked the prefects and health authorities to encourage the wearing of masks in closed places. So far, these are “recommendations”, without obligation.

“We must strongly recommend wearing the mask in closed, poorly ventilated places”, says Professor Alain Fischer. According to him, “it involves putting on the mask in public transport, in certain places of work or socializing (…) where a lot of contamination happens”. “If it is necessary to go to the obligation, personally, I am not against”, he adds.

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