The reality TV star facing “horrible pain” … his fans are very, very worried!

The end of the year 2021 is one of the most difficult for Jazz Correia! Indeed, the young mother gave birth to her third child a few days ago. However, the good news quickly gave way to the bad. Indeed, the newborn by the name of London Sky suffered from a “infection in both lungs”. The baby was then placed “under oxygen” during sometime.

A situation far, far from obvious for the reality TV star whose morale has been strained. But after “8 days of anguish, pain, sorrow, 8 days”, Chelsea and Cayden’s mother saw the sky clear up. “We really suffered, the real one, the one where you rely only on God and loved ones, today we are happier than ever to have come home with our sons. It is time for us to enjoy with family”, she told her community.

While she thought about the concerns behind her, Jazz expressed new concerns, on social networks, this Friday, December 17. This time, the problem directly concerns the former candidate of Angels and some Villa of Broken Hearts.

“It hurts from the back of the scapula to the front of the chest. As if it was pulling me, and in front of it it stabs me. But the worst is when I lie down, that hurts too much, when I breathe it takes my breath away, so much pain “, she explained before finally taking the direction of emergencies. “They gave me a scan of my lungs to find out what’s there. At best it could be muscular, if not neurological, or at worst it could be pulmonary embolism.”, explained a few hours later the star of the JLC Family who found himself on a hospital bed.

And finally, the doctors did not keep her and was able to go home, find her family.

To see also: Nabilla: this new invaluable good which she has just acquired … and which will make Jazz mad with rage


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