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The real solidarity lease will be extended to fight against the real estate crisis. This device allows low-income households to buy the walls of the dwelling, but not the land.
In a street of Romainville (Seine-Saint-Denis), is the new apartment of Daniel HenrI. He has Finally was able to access 65 years of ownership last February thanks to the real ground leaseidary. It is a device that allowed him to pay 4,000 euros per square meter against 7,000 euros according to market prices. “With the same amount, I would have had a two–pieces. TherejI could have the third“, he is satisfied. THE principle of the real solidarity lease is to dissociate the building from the land. Ihe purchaser only buys the walls for a maximum of 99 years, and then pays rent for the land.
A reinforced measure in the face of the real estate crisis
The device is accessible according to the conditions of resources. But it is a device that is increasingly popular, especially in cities with real estate pressure such as Saint-Malo (Ille-et-Ugly). “Today, my apartment is at 110,000 euros. Otherwise I would have taken a studio at that price away from the nicest neighborhoods”explained Moustapha Essabidin February 2023. In the morningMonday, June 5ththe miniMinister of Housing, Olivier Klein, announces that the measure will be strengthened to respond to the crisis in the sector.