the REAL reason for his sudden departure from France for New York!

Charlotte Gainsbourg, Guillaume Canet and 500 artists have decided to give their full support to Emmanuel Macron. They will vote “without any hesitation” for the candidate president.

All want to block Marine Le Pen and denounce the program of “xenophobia and withdrawal” of the National Rally.

“If for some of us the outcome of this first round was not as expected, if for some of us mistrust remains; there is for us, today, no hesitation, no doubt, no hesitation. We do not equate democracy and populism”, they continue in a forum that is much talked about.

Charlotte Gainsbourg is also one of them. She had left France a few years ago to settle in New York for a very personal reason. “I was trying to run away from my emotional ties because my sister had just died, so leaving for London was out of the question. Los Angeles is not my thing – the sweet life that people talk about, I don’t feel it. There was still New York. It was a practical choice,” she explained to the SHE.

“I did not expect to appropriate it so easily. It was still totally foreign, exotic, and I was not very comfortable at first. Today, I feel at home there It happened without any effort. Surely because we are not the only immigrants! Here, everyone speaks with an accent. And then I find New Yorkers very welcoming, very happy to share their addresses, to advise this or that. People help us”she also confided.

See also: But why did Johnny Hallyday want to beat Serge Gainsbourg’s face?

Apolline Demarchelier

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