The French bought fewer washing machines, dishwashers and other electric coffee makers last year. The household appliances market experienced a slight decline, partly attributable to the real estate crisis.
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The link is easily made between the household appliances market and that of real estate, which has seen a drop in building permit authorizations (-24% over the whole of 2023), and a plummet in transactions. in the old (- 22%). Fewer transactions in the real estate portfolio mean less equipment purchased to equip your new home or replace old appliances.
Inflation has also been there, and then this drop in sales of household appliances follows a strong increase in the market during the confinements linked to Covid-19. There were then more “pleasure” purchases concerning interiors and professionals do not hesitate to talk about the over-equipment of homes during this period.
All product families concerned
According to a survey carried out by the market research firm GFK, the household appliances sector saw its turnover decline by more than 2%, to 9.5 billion euros (survey carried out for GIFAM , the Interprofessional Group of Household Equipment Manufacturers: 51 groups and 118 brands). In terms of volume, in 2023 we purchased a total of nearly 64 million devices.
Sales were contrasted between large and small household appliances. Sales of large equipment (refrigerators, washing machines and dishwashers, for example) fell by 4%. With a particular downside for so-called integrated appliances: heavy equipment whose facades form a united whole in a kitchen. The market for small additional equipment, particularly kitchen or bathroom equipment, remained flat.
This downward trend is found in other major European countries, except in Italy where the household appliances market is growing thanks to public aid.