the reactions of the political parties


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

A.Mezmorian, J.Messa, C.Tixier, A.Bourse S.Giaume, J.Boulesteix, Ph.Maire, C.-M.Denis, R.Gardeux E.Guyonnet, N.Leydier, M.Duguet, P .Palacios, S.Ripaud – France 2

France Televisions

Left or right, the responses to the riots that took place in France after Nahel’s death are not the same.

After a third night of violence following Nahel’s death, a state of emergency has not been declared, although it is not ruled out by the Prime Minister. The executive still has the 2005 riots in mind and wants to limit contagion. The government is counting on a reinforcement of the police system, without exceptional measures. “We sail on sight”, says a ministerial adviser. Éric Ciotti, president of the Republicans, has called for the establishment of a state of emergency.

LFI accused of throwing oil on the fire

Marine Le Pen, president of the RN group in the National Assembly, prefers sectoral curfews and the declaration of a state of emergency if the situation worsens. On the left, Fabien Roussel, secretary of the Communist Party, calls for calm and denounces the violence. For its part, La France insoumise is accused of throwing oil on the fire by not expressly condemning the violence and by not supporting the police. “It’s been 20 years that we haven’t done anything to change the relationship of the police to young people in working-class neighborhoods”assures Alma Dufour, LFI-Nupes deputy for Seine-Maritime.

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