the reactions of the Bergeracois, qualified for the 8th of the Coupe de France

They took their time to leave the enchanted lawn of the Gaston-Simounet stadium. The joy, shared, all together, when the Cristolien sent his shot on goal nearby, qualifying Bergerac for the round of 16 of the Coupe de France. The hugs, the group photo … Then the lap of honor, Hicham M’Laab at the microphone which gives an appointment in the round of 16. And then, the hugs with relatives behind the handrail, requests for selfies, swimsuits …

Samir bakir, the attacker, ends up giving his shorts to a kid. “These emotions are so good that we ask for more. It’s madness. I don’t realize yet”, said, the voice broken, the veteran, who will live the first round of 16 of his career. This will be the second for Sam Ducros, the oldest in the Bergerac locker room, arrived in 2016. So he was there five years ago when Bergerac faced Lille. “We must take advantage, we must not go back to the locker room too quickly “, begs the right side. In an amateur football career, living these moments is unique. In front of our public in addition, it is magnificent. We are in seven games without conceding a goal … We continue to dream “.

When it’s like that, football, it’s incredible

“We still haven’t scored a goal in the Coupe de France, it’s incredible”, adds the captain Damien Fachan, who, like against Metz, opened the penalty shootout by transforming his own. But rather sees him as a form of reward. “When I see my teammates, how we run, how we get involved … It’s not a coincidence. We train like dogs, we run like crazy. With the guys, we were happy to be back on December 28th. We’re going through a crazy thing. When it’s like that, football, it’s incredible “, he continues, moved.

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A second round of 16 in five years, which can continue to talk about Bergerac, wishes Paul Fauvel, the managing director. “In the region, there is a place to take behind the Girondins, Niort and Pau. It is important that Bergerac is recognized as a high-level club. The club is a little more involved in this project.” The culmination of a successful job, he believes. “It’s the job of the staff, the players and the club. We put a lot more consistency on the recruitment, we recruited men before recruiting players”, he recalls.

We are in 8th and we will try to continue further

His trainer, Erwan Lannuzel, confirms the strength of his group. “We have a group of character on a daily basis. The shots on goal are a reflection of the determination that we have been putting for weeks “, says the young Bergerac trainer. “In the content, we could and should have hurt them before. But the rest of the game was more than interesting. We are going to have an exciting month of January,” with the reception of Les Herbiers, the derby against Trélissac, before a trip to Moulins / Yzeure, and therefore, an eighth finals of the Coupe de France. Sylvie, loyal supporter for 30 years, arrange to meet. “We are in 8th and we will try to continue further”. It remains to know the opponent. Rendezvous Tuesday evening for the draw.

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