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The deputy of the National Rally Grégoire de Fournas provoked an uproar in the National Assembly on Thursday, November 3 by launching: “Let him (s) return (ent) to Africa”, while Carlos Martens Bilongo, deputy of La France insoumise, asked a question about migrants in the Mediterranean.
Two territories that, on paper, everything opposes. Bruay-la-Buissière (Pas-de-Calais) voted 70% for Marine Le Pen in the second round of the presidential election. Friday, November 4, some prefer not to comment on the racist slippage of the deputy of National Rally Grégoire de Fournas, which launched, Thursday, in the middle of the hemicycle: “Let them return to Africa”while Carlos Martens Bilongo, deputy of La France insoumise, asked a question about migrants in the Mediterranean.
Others, on the other hand, have a more decided opinion. “He said it for the boat”confides a resident, who defends the deputy. “It’s still problematic,” said another. But for all that, this does not seem to upset the view of some residents of Marine Le Pen’s party. “It’s an unfortunate sentence. It shouldn’t be made a fuss about it either”, says a resident. 200 km away, on a market in Sarcelles (Val-d’Oise), the subject was in all discussions. The city is part of the constituency of the deputy of Nupes, Carlos Martens Bilongo. “It really hurts to hear all that, I was surprised”deplores a resident of the town, while another castigates “racism” and the “wickedness” of the deputy RN.