the reaction of the French to the third dose of vaccine



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30,000 new cases detected in the last 24 hours. This is the first time the numbers have been so high since last spring. Not without concern, the French are awaiting government decisions to stop the fifth wave of Covid-19.

The usefulness of the third vaccine booster against Covid-19 does not convince everyone. While some think that this is the only solution to get out of the downward spiral, others are more skeptical: “This is not the solution since we see that vaccinated people still transmit the virus, suddenly it continues to spread”, explains one interviewee. However, citizens seem in favor of extending the use of barrier gestures, which they see as useful.

The situation seems to frustrate several citizens, who assert their good will, while having the impression of living in a downward spiral: “We always ask for more, to ultimately return to square one. My faith, I understand that we have to make efforts (…) But if in the end we make so much effort to find ourselves at square one, I think the French will get fed up after a while “, deplores the customer of a market.

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