“The reaction of Noël Le Graët is shocking” to the living conditions of workers in Qatar, says the Minister of Sports

It’s not insoluble, it’s a lick of paint.” Noël Le Graët’s reaction to the images of Complementary investigation into the working conditions of the hotel staff of the French team for the next World Cup in Qatar did not leave the Minister of Sports indifferent. Amélie Oudéa-Castéra expressed her incomprehension at the remarks of the president of the French Football Federation, Friday October 14 in an interview on RTL.

While the report broadcast Thursday on France 2 shows in particular the deplorable housing conditions of hotel employees and the many irregularities, Le Graët had minimized the situation, mentioning some work to be done, before changing his mind and qualifying these practices as ‘”unacceptable“.”These images shocked me, and Noël Le Graët’s reaction shocked mereacted Amélie Oudéa-Castéra. She is above ground, she lacked humanity, and even lucidity.

The FFF claims to have notably dismissed the hotel’s security company and launched an investigation, carried out on site in the coming days. “I had a first return that did not remove my doubtsdeplores the Minister of Sports. I want guarantees, that we are irreproachable about the time we have left to do something. The FFF must take its share of responsibility so that on the subject of working conditions, respect for human rights on its base camp, the situation improves. Compared to the very shocking images that we saw yesterday, reactions are needed.

The France team must stay at the Al Messila hotel, entirely privatized by the Federation for the duration of the competition, which takes place from November 20 to December 18.

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